• © Pierluigi Macor, 2021

  • © Tom Haller, 2019

From 1999 until 2006, Sarah Escher studied architecture at the Technische Universität in Cottbus, the Universidad Europea in Madrid, and the Berlin University of the Arts. After earning her Diploma degree with Adolf Krischanitz in 2006, she worked for four years with Marcel Meili, Markus Peter Architekten in Zurich, and later contributed to establishing the branch office in Munich for the “Hofstatt” project. In 2011, she joined Duplex Architects in Zurich as the project manager for the Findling multifamily dwelling project. Since 2013, Sarah Escher has worked as managing director and established the Düsseldorf branch office. Since 2018, she has been a partner with Duplex Architects GmbH in Germany. She is a member of the Architektenkammer Nordrhein-Westfalen and Hamburg as well as of the BDA, where she has been part of the state executive board of NRW since 2019. In 2021 she also became president of the advisory board of the Stiftung Deutscher Architekten. Sarah Escher is married to Werner Escher, has two children (°2010 and °2013), and lives with her family in Neuss am Niederrhein.


Jury competition «Schlebuscher Weg», Köln


Talk «Baukosten einfach», Düsseldorfer Wohnwoche, Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf

Talk «Just Architecture», polis Convention Düsseldorf

Talk «Experimentelle Bausteine für Nachverdichtung im Bestand», BDA Montagsgespräch zum Werkstattverfahren «Zukunft Wohnen», Köln Link

Guest Critics

Final critique «Mirke+», bei Prof. Georg Giebel und Carolin Ebbing, Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Final critique «Peter Behrens Student House», bei Daniel Dratz, PBSA Düsseldorf